[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-22 11:32:34编辑过]
小鱼儿真情流露....支持下..................................... <P>是啊是啊!</P><P>阿伦的歌永远这么打动人心!</P> 好有同感!!!! <P>Thank you for supporting.Alan's songs are always my favorate and first choice, espetially when I feel lonely. Living in the US is not interesting at all and alan's songs can really bring me a lot of happiness.</P>
<P>By the way, sorry that I can't input Chinese right now since there's no Chinese input software on this computer.</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-23 10:55:44编辑过]
支持!! 支持一下 叫我如何舍得你,我的生命我的爱! terrific