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发表于 2008-9-2 23:07:38
C)主要参考书目 - 英文:
1. N. Abercrombie (1991): The Privilege of the Producer. In R. Keat and N. Abercrombie (eds.): Enterprise Culture (London: Routledge)
2. W.T. Anderson (ed.) (1996): The Fontana Postmodernism Reader (London: Fontana Press)
3. T. Adorno (1990): On Popular Music. N S. Frith and A. Goodwin (eds.): On Record: rock, pop, and the written word (London: Routledge)
4. T. Adono and M. Horkheimer (1977): The Culture Industry: enlightenment as mass deception. In J. Curran, M. Gurevitch and J. Woollacott (eds.): Mass Communication and Society (London: Edward Arnold in association with The Open University Press)
5. P. Autexier (1991): Beethoven (London: Thames & Hudson)
6. C. Belz (1969): The Story of Rock (New York: Oxford University Press)
7. R. Bennett and M. Burnett (eds.) (1988): Popular Music: In the 20th century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
8. J.K. Bindas (ed.) (1992): America’s Musical Pulse: popular music in 20th century society (Westporrt: Praeger)
9. D. Brackett (1995): Interpreting Popular Music (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
10. D. Bradley (1992): Understanding Rock ‘n’ Roll: popular music in Britain 1955 – 1964 (Buckingham: Open University Press)
11. F. Brady (1990): Citizen Welles : A Biography of Orson Welles (London: Hodder & Stonghton)
12. O. Boyd-Barret and C. Newbold (eds.) (1995): Approaches To Media (London: Arnold)
13. S. Broughton, M. Ellington, D. Moddyman and R. Trillo (eds.) (1994): World Music (London: The Rough Guides)
14. R.S. Brown (1994): Overtones and Undertones – Reading Film Music (California: University of California Press)
15. R. Burnett (1996): The Global Jukebox (London: Routledge)
16. I.Chambers (1986): Popular Culture: the metropolitan experience (London: Routledge)
17. S. Citron (1992): Songwriting: a complete guide to the craft (New York: Limelight Editions)
18. D. Clarke (1995): The Rise and Fall of Popular Music (Middle***: Viking)
19. B. Clayton and N.M. Elliott (1987): Buck Clayton’s Jazz World (New York: Oxford University Press)
20. H. Cole (1978): The Changing Face of Music (London: Victor Gollancz)
21. S. Connor (1997): Postmodernist Culture: an introduction to theories of the contemporary (Oxford: Blackwell)
22. B.L. Cooper (1989): Popular Music Perspectives: ideas, themes, and patterns in contemporary lyrics (Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press)
23. T. Cowen (1998): In Praise of Commercial Culture (London: Harvard University Press)
24. D. Croteau and W. Hoynes (2000): Media/Society – Industries, Images, and Audiences (Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press)
25. J. Curran, M. Gurevitch and J. Woollacott (eds.) (1977): Mass Communication and Society (London: Edward Arnold in association with The Open University Press)
26. T.H. Davenport & J.C. Beck (2001): The Attention Economy – Understanding the New Currency of Business (Boston: Harvard Business School Press)
27. S. Davis (1984): The Craft Of Lyric Writing (Ohio: Writer’s Digest Books)
28. T. De Lisle (ed.) (1995): Lives Of The Great Songs (Middle of: Penguin Books)
29. S. During (ed.) (1993): The Cultural Studies Readers (London: Routlege)
30. J.M. Eargle (1990): Music, Sound, and Technology (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold)
31. D. Ewent (1966): American Popular Songs from the Revolutionary War to the Present (New York: Random House)
32. R. Finnegan (1989): The Hidden Musicians: music-making in an English town (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
33. J. Fiske and J. Hartley (1989): Reading Television (London: Routledge) 34. J. Pascal (1978): The Illustrated History of Rock Music (New York: Galahad Books)
35. S. Frith (ed.) (1988): Facing the Music: a Pantheon guide to popular culture (New York: Pantheon Books)
36. S. Frith (ed.) (1989): World Music, Politics and Social Change: papers from the International Association for the study of Popular Music (Manchester: Manchester University Press)
37. S. Frith and A. Goodwin (eds.) (1990): On Record: rock, pop, and the written word (London: Routledge)
38. P. Gammond (1991): The Oxford Companion To Popular Music (New York: Oxford University Press)
39. R. Garofalo (1997): Rockin’ Out – Popular Music In The USA (Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon)
40. T. Garrand (1997): Writing for Multimedia (Massachusetts: Focal Press)
41. B. Gendron (1986): Studies in Entertainment: critical approaches to mass culture (Bloomington: Indian University Press)
42. B. Gilbert and G. Theroux (1982): The Top Ten: 1956 to the Present (New York: Simon & Schuster)
43. H. Gregory (1998): A Century of Pop (Chicago: A Cappella Books)
44. C. Hamm (1995): Putting Popular Music in Its Place (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
45. D. Hatch and S. Millward (1987): From Blues to Rock: an analytical history of pop music (Manchester: Manchester University Press)
46. C.L. Harrington and D.D. Bielby (eds.) (2001): Popular Culture – Production and Consumption (Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers)
47. D. Harvey (1990): The Condition of Postmodernity (Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers)
48. C.B. Holmberg (1998): Sexualities and Popular Culture (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications)
49. K.B. Jensen (1995): The Social Semiotics of Mass Communication (London: Sage Publications)
50. A.F. Jones (1992): Like A Knife: ideology and genre in contempory Chinese popular music (Ithaca: East Asia Programme, Cornell University)
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52. J. Josefs (1989): Writing Music for Hit Songs (New York: Schirmer Books)
53. R. Jourdain (1997): Music, the Brain, and Ecstasy (New York: Avon Books)
54. E.A. Kaplan (1987): Rocking Around The Clock: music, television, postmodernism, and consumer culture (London: Routledge)
55. C. Lasch (1991): The Culture of Narcissism (New York.London: W.W. Norton & Company)
56. G. Lees (1987): Singers and the Song (New York: Oxford University Press)
57. J.A. Lent (ed.) (1995): Asian Popular Culture (Oxford: Westview Press)
58. B.K.P. Leung & T.Y.C. Wong (eds.) (1994): 25 Years of Social and Economic Development in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Centre of Asia Studies, University of Hong Kong)
59. G. Lipsitz (1994): Dangerous Crossroads: popular music, postmodernism, and the poetics of place (New York: Verso)
60. R. Lissauer (1991): Lissauer’s Encyclopedia of Popular Music in America: 1888 to present researched and written by Robert Lissauer (New York: Paragon House)
61. B. Longhurst (1995): Popular Music & Society (Cambridge: Polity)
62. J. Lull (ed.) (1992): Popular Music and Communication (Newbury Park: Sage)
63. J. Lull (1995): Media, Communication, Culture (New York: Columbia University Press)
64. J. Lull (1991): China Turned On – Television, Reform, and Resistance (London: Routledge)
65. C. MacInnes (1969): Sweet Saturday Night: pop song 1840 – 1920 (London: Panther)
66. P. Manuel (1988): Popular Music of the Non-Western World: an introductory survey (New York: Oxford University Press)
67. J. Marre (1988): Beats of the Heart: popular music of the world (New York: Pantheon Books)
68. E.W. Marvin and H. Hermann (eds.) (1995): Concert Music, Rock, and Jazz since 1945: essays and analytical studies (New Yorks: University of Rochester Press)
69. D. Matthews (1987): Beethoven (London: J.M. Dent & Songs)
70. A. McRobbie (1994): Postmodernism and Popular Culture (London: Routledge)
71. P.V. Merwe (1989): Origins of the Popular Styles: the antecedents of twentieth century popular music (Oxford: Clarendon Press)
72. L. B. Meyer (2000): The Spheres of Music (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press)
73. R. Middleton (1990): Studying Popular Music (Milton Keynes: Open University Press)
74. T. Miller and A. McHoul (1998): Popular Culture And Everyday Life (London: Sage Publications)
75. D. Mitchell (1976): The Language of Modern Music (Wiltshire: Redwood Burn)
76. T. Mitchell (1996): Popular Music and Local Identity: rock, pop and rap in Europe and Ocenia (New York: Leicester University Press)
77. B.R. Morris (1972): American Popular Music: the growing years, 1800 – 1900 (New York: F. Watts)
78. K. Negus (1996): Popular Music in Theory (Hanover: University Press of New England)
79. M. Okun (1970): The Sixties: Song and Sound (New York: Times Books)
80. M. Okun (ed.) (1978): Great Songs of the 70s (New York: Times Books)
81. N. Perloff (1991): Art and the Everyday: popular entertainment and the circle of Erik Satie (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
82. N. Postman (1985): Amusing Ourselves to Death – Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (London: Penguin Books)
83. S. Redhead (1990): The End-of-the-century Party: youth and pop towards 2000 (Manchester: Manchester University Press)
84. D.C. Robinson (1991): Music at the Margins: popular music and cultural diversity (Newbury: Sage)
85. H. Ryker (1991): New Music in the Orient (Buren: Frits Knuf Publishers)
86. E. W. Said (1991): Musical Elaborations (New York: Columbia University Press)
87. R. Sanjek (1988): American Popular Music and Its Business: the first four hundred years (New York: Oxford University Press)
88. W. Schafer and J. Reidel (1973): The Art of Ragtime (Baton Rouge, LA.: Louisiana State University Press)
89. P. Scholes (1970): The Oxford Companion to Music (London: Oxford University Press)
90. R. Selden, P. Widdowson and P. Brooker (1997): A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory (Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall)
91. S. Shemel & M. W. Krasilovsky (1978): More about This Business of Music (New York: Billboard Publications)
92. J. Shepherd (1991): Music as Social Text (Cambridge: Policy)
93. E. Sinn (ed.) (1995): Culture and Society in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong)
94. R. Shuker (1995): Understanding Popular Music (London: Routledge)
95. D. Strinati (1995): An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture (London: Routledge)
96. P. Taylor (1985): Popular Music since 1955: a critical guide to the literature (New York : Mansell Publication)
97. M. Weber (1958): The Rational and Social Foundations of Music (Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press)
98. D. Weissman (1994): Creating Melodies: a songwriter’s guide to understanding, writing and polishing melodies (Ohio : Writer’s Digest Books)
99. D. Weinstein (1991): Heavy Metal – A Cultural Sociology (New York: Lexington)
100. S. Whiteley (ed.) (1997): Sexing The Groove – Popular Music and Gender (London: Routlege)
101. P. Wicke (1987): Rock Music: culture, aesthetics & sociology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
102. A. Wilder (1972): American Popular Song: The Great Innovators, 1900–1950 (New York: Oxford University Press)
103. J. Yang, D. Gan, T.Hong & the Staff of A. Magazine (1997): Eastern Standard Time: a guide to asian influence on American culture from astro boy to zen Buddhism (New York: Mariner Books)
104. B. Yung (1989): Cantonese Opera – Performance as Creative Process (New York: Cambridge University Press)
105. J. Zha (1995): China Pop: how soap operas, tabloids, and bestsellers are transforming a culture (New York: The New Press)
106. P. Zollo (1997): Songwriters on Songwriting (Ohio: Da Capo Press)
(D)主要参考书目 - 日文:
1. 平野久美子(1987)《华人歌星传说》(东京:晶文社)
2. 小仓荣司(1988)《广东语歌的世界确立香港》(东京:中村社)主要参考歌集
1. 《中国歌星成名金曲》(南昌:百花洲文艺出版社)
2. 《莉萨,粤语流行曲》(香港:东方歌曲出版社)
3. 《歌曲》(1984 年 1-12 月合订本)(北京:人民音乐出版社)
4. 《中文人曲集》(香港:劲歌出版社)
5. 《经典金曲》(香港:2000 出版社)
6. 《大金曲》(出版社不详)
7. 《老歌大全 ─ 四十至六十年代中国流行歌曲》(台北:天化图书公司)
8. 《中华歌选》(香港:时代曲供应社)
9. 《明星名曲 ─ 112 首流行金曲集》(上海:三联书店)
10. 《流行歌曲》(香港:嫦女生活出版社)
11. 《名歌二千五首》(澳门:濠江联合出版社)
12. 《名曲名歌》(香港:时代音乐学院)
13. 《劲歌金曲》(香港:创艺娱乐)
14. 《金榜猛歌》(香港:华英出版社)
15. 《饮歌》(香港:创艺娱乐)
16. 《最新流行曲》(出版社不详)
17. 《流行金曲 100 首》(香港:天光出版社)
18. 《好歌唱遍天下》(湖北:中国地质大学出版社)
19. 《上海老歌名典》(上海:辞书出版社)
20. 《玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 ─ 歌仙陈歌辛之歌》(上海:辞书出版社)
1. 《难忘许冠杰•30年》(2003)Universal 038 346-0
2. 《娱乐千禧精选》(1999)Crown CCD-127
3. 《中国电影九十年 ─ 经典电影歌曲纪念专辑》(1-10 辑)(1995)Forward Music
4. 《星光熠熠耀华星 ─ 我最喜爱的翡翠金曲》(2000)Capital Artists
5. 《叶蒨文珍重经典十三首》(1991)WEA
6. “EMI 精选王”系列之《活色生香…林子祥》(1999)EMI
7. 《世纪之选 ─ 郑少秋》(2001)Crown
8. 《记忆 20 世纪 21 首我们在一起》(2001)Rock Records
9. 《上海老歌名典》随书 CD(2002)
10. 《玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 ─ 歌仙陈歌辛之歌》随书 CD(2002)
11. 《百代情牵翡翠三十年》(1997)EMI
12. 《影视名曲精选》(1986)Polygram
13. 《跨越 94 十大金曲 / 首届广州新音乐十大金曲》(1994)广州新时代影音
14. 《温拿 88》(1998)Polydor
15. 《聴候 2 年依然都是林忆莲》(1996)Rock
16. 《Virgin Snow 张国荣》(2001)Cinepoly
17. 《梅艳芳飞跃舞台》(1984)Capital Artists
18. 《Frances 叶丽仪》(1998)EMI
19. 《情歌、梅艳芳》(1992)Capital Artists
20. 《宝丽金难忘的回忆》(1986)Polydor
21. 《宝丽金极品珍藏》(1997)Polydor
22. 《罗文/25》(1996)BMG
23. 《邓丽君 15 周年》(1983)Polydor
24. 《关淑怡世途上》(1995)Polydor
25. 《叶蒨文影视金曲》(1995)WEA
26. 《陈慧琳.我不以为》(1996)正东唱片
27. 《吕方•新歌靓歌集》(1989)Capital Artists
28. 《顾嘉辉音乐名作》(1984)Crown
29. 《林子祥影视金曲十六首》(1995)WEA
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